Friday 14 November 2014

Timed Assessment- In the Role of Make Up Artist

Before the timed assessment Hayley and I met up and exchanged face charts. We discussed these and went over them so I was sure of what Hayley wanted me to do, before practising the face chart. This practice went well, and was useful to assess if there were going to be any challenges in creating the look. Hayley provided me with a full product list so I could see what I had in my kit and what I needed, and she provided me with anything I did not have at the time that I needed to create the look. On the day of the assessment we went in early to prep the hair and set the curls, but unfortunately I had to go for a tutorial so we could not use that time so the beginning of the timed assessment was a bit rushed as I had to fit in preparing the hair. Hayley had brought in detailed step by step instructions for both the hair and the make up which I found extremely helpful as often under the pressure of a timed assessment I forget little steps along the way, but the list helped me to stay on track.

The two images above are Hayley's chosen final images. She chose to put them in black and white to make them look more historical.

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