Monday 24 November 2014

Sally Bowles- Character Presentation and Feedback

The scene that I have chosen for Sally Bowles is act one scene four when she is performing Don’t tell mama. This is the first scene that we meet her in the musical production and I have chosen this scene because I wanted to create a look for her where she’d be in full stage make up and her performance mind-set, as I feel this gives me more freedom with the make up look. She is described as “In her early twenties, rather pretty, rather sophisticated, rather child-like, exasperating and irresistible.” As I am not doing a historical look I don’t want to stick exactly to this description, but luckily it is a pretty subjective description and isn’t too specific. 

 For my moodboard I looked at contemporary hair and make up that both showed my ideas for my final design and showed contemporary interpretations of 19203/30s make up.

 The hair design I have chosen to do for my Sally Bowles look came from my contemporary interpretation of my partner's design for the timed assessment. It features a bleach blonde messy but straight wig with green glitter at the ends, and a short, not-too-well cut style to look like she has cut it herself.

First one- Showgirl make up with red/purple pinched lips with purple glitter in centre. Thin brows, natural brows covered as it is a drag look and drawn on with black pencil
Second- more natural brow shape, dark, smudged black eye shadow with coral pouted lips. Green glitter- divine decadence.
Third- green brows in thin 20s/30s style, different lip shape.

Here are two trials on myself, I have not yet practised it on my male model so any necessary adjustments will be made depending on how it looks on him.

  • Look at Grayson Perry
  • Like the glitter brows, try keeping them in the larger shape
  • Explain how to put the glitter in the wig

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