Tuesday 11 November 2014

Contemporary Collage

To help us get into the swing of creating contemporary looks, we took images from Friday's timed assessment and used different mediums to turn the images into contemporary designs. As I did my partner Hayley's design, I used one of the images from this shoot.
For this first image I turned the hair into a choppy blonde bob, with black streaks, and gold and green glitter highlights. I gave Hayley a short, choppy fringe to really change the design up and create a different look. I also changed the eyebrow shape into an interesting flicked-out design and made the lips a more orange-red. I like the green glitter in the ends and highlighting the hair, as I feel this is a really contemporary, eye catching feature to change up a look.
 For this image I used a golden colour on the lashes, as well as a metallic teal on the lips to change the makeup around. I then added a magazine cut out around the eye to draw the focus there, before adding ribbons to the hair to change the texture and colour that was originally there.

For this image I went with a red colour theme but kept the modifications simple. I used a cut out from a magazine of the fuffles of the bottom of a dress to create a hair piece, then used a sheer red ribbon to tie the colour and look into the face around the eyes.

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