Friday 14 November 2014

Timed Assessment- In the Role Of Designer & Model

The above images are my chosen final images for my historical Fraulein Kost look. I have chosen these as in the scene Fraulein Kost is being quite cunning and manipulative, so I wanted her to have a smug smile on her face as if she knows that she can work her way into getting what she wants.

Hayley Bennett was my partner and the make up artist for this look. We met up before hand and I gave her my face chart, hair charts and a product list along with the lipstick I wanted to use as she didn't have it in her kit. When I gave her the hair chart Hayley asked questions to clarify anything she wasn't sure of, and then we practised the look, so that Hayley felt more relaxed in the timed assessment and also so we could assess if there were any issues that may have come up. On the day of the timed assessment we met half an hour early to prep the hair as I was having marcel waves and a few curls in the back. This took some of the pressure off in the assessment which was nice. Before starting she went through a consultation form with me to make sure there were no contraindications or anything she had to look out for. During the assessment Hayley stayed calm and professional, set out her make up and tools and made sure she washed her hands before starting. She used disposable wands where there was a chance of contamination and was really good at giving me a bit of time to blink when she was working around the eyes as I was wearing contact lenses. Hayley matched the foundation and concealer perfectly, and applied everything as I had previously discussed with her when we practised. We finished with enough time to photograph our look and then take it off and clean the station without staying behind, so her time management was perfect.

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