Thursday 4 December 2014

Evaluation of Unit

Overall I have found this project to be very interesting, and I feel that I have grown a lot in terms of my way of thinking and developing ideas, and my attitude to work in general as I usually put it off until last minute but this unit I have pushed myself to complete tasks when they are set and even do additional research to help push my ideas along. I really tried to focus on time management as this is something that I struggle with a lot and although I did get a little behind at times overall I managed to stay up to date and this really reduced the amount of stress I have experienced this term. I did struggle a little with the amount of time we were given to come up with a design for our contemporary character verses the amount of time we had to prepare for our historical character, and I do feel that this hindered my design a little but I am still happy with the outcome of all of my designs and shoots. I practiced a lot for my designs and really tried to ensure that I had all the techniques down before the assessments or shoots which was really helpful as I didn’t experience any mishaps in the shoot preparation. I feel that I could have used more sources of inspiration in this unit than I did, and I could have explored different mediums for art and inspiration. I am slowly learning to use the sketch blog like a sketch book and not only put completed final images on there, but images of all practices, sketches, doodles and ideas. After looking at my contemporary character images I feel that I could have been a bit more experimental and artistic with the make up, and I will bear this in mind for future designs and ideas, as I feel that the make up I created for Sally Bowles was quite a standard make up look with added glitter. I really enjoyed looking at and learning about 1920’s and 30’s, and have got really interested in the club culture side of the unit especially Michael Alig and his friends. The alternative club scene is something which really interests me as I really love the message of people being different but unified in their difference and alternative style and personalities, and I think some beautifully creative looks are featured in this scene. I especially liked how I could notice links between the club kid culture and Weimar Berlin with the underground clubs and the obsession with glamour and being different. I am really happy with how my partner executed my design in the assessment as it came out just how I wanted it, and I feel that I created my partners design as she wanted it and to the best of my ability. Next unit I will take what I have learned forward and really focus on looking and experimenting with art, photography and other sources of inspiration to push my work further.

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