Thursday 4 December 2014

Black and White Photography

In our seminar we were discussing photography and Weimar Berlin to consider different ways in which we can find inspiration and get our creative juices flowing.
We began by looking at contemporary images which represent Weimar Berlin in one way or another from this site, and then discussed how black and white photography can bring out a different mood to colour photography.
Henri Cartier Bresson was mentioned in the beginning of this lesson, so he was in the forefront of my mind as I have researched him before for my a level photography course, and loved his work with the decisive moment. We had 1 hour to go around Southampton and take images in black and white which we felt represented a contemporary Weimar Berlin, and were told to think about composition, faded glamour, our throwaway society and "ordinary decadence made divine through the lens". We then presented three of our images to the class, and here are mine.

 In the image above I definitely had the decisive moment in my mind. I liked the composition of this image but decided it needed some movement in it, or something to draw the eye in. I waited for a train to pass and took a few images, this being my favourite.

This image is my favourite in terms of showing our throwaway society; the furniture and rubbish outside the back of a bar or club which is probably perfectly good and reusable materials has just been left outside to be collected by the bin men.

Below are some more images from this task.

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