Friday 31 October 2014

Fraulein Kost Face Charts

Fraulein Kost design 1
 For my first Fraulein Kost design I kept the makeup quite simple, wanting her to look natural. On the eyes I wanted brown shadow smudged along the lash line, and soft thin brows done with powder. The blush is stippled on to give a flushed look, and the lips are a matt red colour. As I am using myself as a model, and I want my Fraulein Kost character to be in her late 20s, I would like to contour and enhance a few lines on the forehead and cheeks slightly just to age me a little. I do not want this to be too theatrical though.

Fraulein Kost design 2
 For this look I kept the make up simple again, but curved the brows a little more and decided to experiment with smudged, gradient lips to look a bit like red wine stains. I have made the lines and the blush more subtle so she doesn't look too aged, and I have added mascara which I want to be thick to look like she is constantly reapplying and layering it up between customers. This is my favourite look for Fraulein Kost, and I think this is the look I will use.

Fraulein Kost design 3
For this look I used more blush in a redder shade to look like she is again layering up her makeup, and applied a dark lipstick in a pout to fit with the fashion at the times. I have kept the mascara off one eye on this face chart just to show the brown smudged pencil on the lash line.

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