Monday 20 October 2014

Society in Weimar Berlin

I decided to look at society in Berlin at the time of the book, film and musical, as I felt it would give me a better understanding of the motives of each character, and also it would help me to develop my character further.
The Weimar Republic lasted from 1919 to 1933 in Germany. This began after the first world war when Germany found itself in a financial crisis, with many people going poor and the value of the currency rapidly decreasing while product prices soared. Cabarets opened up, prostitution reached a high and drugs and sex were everywhere. This ended when Hitler and the Nazi party came to power and brought in strict laws and regulations.
As Fraulein Kost is a prostitute, I decided to look at different types of prostitute to see what type I thought she would be as I understand there were many different types for different people and fetishes.
"Indoor Prostitutes
Chontes Polish-born Jews, also knows as Lublins, from the Polish industrial town of Lublin.
Demi-Castors Young women from good families who occasionally supplemented their allowances by working in high-class houses in west Berlin.
Dominas Leather-clad women who specialized in whipping, humiliation, and other forms of punishment, and worked in lesbian nightclubs that admitted heterosexual couples and free-spending male clients.
Fohses Independent prostitutes who advertised in newspapers and magazines as manicurists or masseuses.
Medicine girls Child prostitutes who were “prescribed” by pimps posing as physicians in phony pharmacies in west Berlin.
Minettes Exclusive call girls who enacted S&M fantasy scenes involving foot worship and forced transvestitism.
Race Horses Masochistic prostitutes who worked in “Institutes for Foreign Language Instruction” where the schoolrooms were equipped with bondage equipment.
Table Ladies Prostitutes who worked at expensive nightclubs often frequented by politicians and businessmen who paid “table money” for an evening of champagne and conversation prior to a backroom encounter.
Telephone Girls Child prostitutes, aged twelve to seventeen, who were made to resemble junior versions of theater or film starlets and were ordered by telephone.
Outdoor Prostitutes Boot Girls Dominatrices near the Wittenberg Platz whose sexual services were signaled by the colors of their boots, laces, and ribbons, sometimes worn in combination.
—Black boots: buttocks cropping (lying on bed).
—Brown boots: asphyxiation by boot or stockinged foot.
—Cobalt blue boots: forced feminization; penetration by female.
—Lacquered gold boots: bound feminization; physical torture.
—Poisonous green boots: psychological enslavement.
—Brick red boots: buttocks flagellation (tied to bed or cross).
—Scarlet boots: forced feminization; transvestite humiliation.
—Black laces: punishment with a short whip.
—Gold laces: defecation on chest.
—Maroon laces: verbal humiliation.
—White laces: collared like a dog.
—White ribbons on top of boots: a roleplay scenario in which the male customer begins as the dominant figure and ends as the submissive party.
Grasshoppers Lowly streetwalkers who performed oral sex in the Tiergarten.
Gravelstones Physically deformed women who worked in north Berlin.
Half-Silks Occasional prostitutes, often secretaries, shopkeepers, and office clerks supplementing their incomes after work.
Kontroll Girls Three defined classes of licensed prostitutes, whose health was certified by city physicians.
Münzis Pregnant women who waited under lampposts on Münzstrasse.
Nuttes Boyish teenage girls who framed their transactions with the protocols of dating, enticing their customers with lines such as, “Don’t you think we should have a coffee first?”
Tauentzien Girls Women wearing the latest fashions and hairstyles, often working in mother-and-daughter teams near the Kaiser Memorial Church."

 I think that Fraulein Kost is a Foshe- an indoor prostitute who advertised in newspapers and magazines as a manicurist or masseuse. I think she is a Foshe because every time we see her she is in the house, bringing a sailor in or taking him out so I get the impression that she simply meets them at the door and walks them to her room. Also, the same sailors are seen a few times so she would have had a more personal and regular relationship with them.

CABINET // Inventory / Everyone Once in Berlin!. 2014. CABINET // Inventory / Everyone Once in Berlin!. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 17 November 2014].

Weimar Republic - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. 2014. Weimar Republic - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 17 November 2014].

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