Saturday 18 October 2014

Painting the Face- Otto Dix

In this lesson we were painting onto the face to reconstruct an Otto Dix painting using Supracolours.
  • Heavy application, not looking for a natural beauty look.
  • Start with base colour, then add tones in
  • Sponges are good for blending but keeping edges strong
  • Work quickly and don't over work the colours- they will 'melt' together
  • Set using powders or setting spray 
Dix, O. (1926) Painting of the Journalist Sylvia von Harden [Mixed media on Wood] Centre Gauges Pompidou, Paris [Online] Available at: (Accessed 18/10/2014)

While painting the face I really focussed on the colours in the image, and the lines and shapes that were there. I enjoyed painting on the face with the supracolours and building up the colour, but definitely found it tricky to work with around the eyes as the supracolour would melt and smudge quite a bit there.

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