Thursday 16 October 2014

Group Discussion: Seema's Lesson.

What characteristics define your choice of character?
Sally Bowles. She's extremely quirky, over the top, and very assure of herself. Selfish, blunt and confident.
Has absolutely no idea what she's feeling so she doesn't know how to express just one emotion. She's very confused, and drugs and one night affairs help her forget this, so thats why she possibly thinks thats all that she's good for, as well as showbiz. This might be why she does it so much (scene where her father stands her up).
She likes the idea of being 'corrupted" by the new male in her life, Max. She likes the novelty of new people but soon seems to get bored with them and doesn't favour them over everyone else anymore.
She looks a lot more feminine when she wears white (dinner scene).
She's not phased by seeing someone dead in the street at all.
She's very naive with what men promise her, this could be a result of the age she is.

What knowledge of the period did the designer consider possessing to be able to develop these characters?
Short hair and wearing accessories like hats in the day to give a different look. cakes herself in make up compared to other women, e.g., Natalia.
The designer has made the character Sally smoke, in his research he will have realised this was very popular at the time.

According to your research so far, do you feel that the character designs in the film are appropriate?
Her make up is influenced by 60s such as the big dark lashes and eye make up and bold lips, so the designers influenced by the 60s, even though this is set in the 30s (made in 1972). There are lots of the 20s and 30s hair styles in this too.

How might you improve it?
Consider the makeup products they would have used in the 20's and how easily available they would have been.
Show elements that she is still a young girl, one idea was props in the background of her room or certain things that she says.

Is it too subtle/too prominent?
Her makeup was prominent and made her look older than she actually was. However it wasn't made obvious in the film that she was only 19.
Which techniques were used to create the hair and make up?
Sally's hairstyle would probably been a wig for continuity reasons. This would have been cut and styled to suit her face shape.
Her face would have been powdered white and eyebrows plucked thin and gone over with a pencil.
Eyeshadow was put all over the lid with a darker shade of the same colour running through the crease to create a kind of flick.
When performing on the stage she could have a beauty mark that was a sequin the makeup artist would have used eyelash glue, however in the 20's they would probably used a bit of spit!
Comment upon the colour palette of the film.
There is lots of opposites in this film, such as light and dark. Sally wears lots of dark make up thats as dark as her hair, which makes her look more seductive and mysterious compared to if she was blonde in my opinion.
As her hair is so dark and her skin so pale she really stands out. Everything has a monochrome colour palette, there is no bright scenes in the film that are associated with the cabaret shows and the kit kat club.

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