Wednesday 8 October 2014


This unit is titled "Goodbye to Berlin". During the term we will be looking at 1920-30s Berlin, a period known as Weimar Berlin. We will be creating our own designs for characters of the musical "Cabaret"- one Historical and one Contemporary 'Club Culture' interpretation. Although I knew the end song from the film, I have never watched Cabaret, or read the script, Goodbye to Berlin or Christopher and his kind. I am excited to start looking into these sources though as they seem like the sorts of films and books that I am interested in, so I shouldn't find it too difficult to find inspiration for my looks. I have not heard of Weimar Berlin before and I don't know much about it but I definitely recognize the looks of the women that I have seen in photos so far. I am looking forward to learning new styles of make-up application and hair techniques, and learning about Berlin in these times as I already feel that it will be very interesting. I am also excited to create a contemporary club culture look as I find these contemporary looks are a great way for me to push myself to be more creative and innovative. I am nervous about creating a new, unique historical look as I feel it will be difficult to avoid having the images from the film and other sources in my mind when I design my look. I think that I can overcome this by doing lots of designs and practices to really pinpoint my ideas and narrow them down. After doing my summer homework and looking at the use of colour in films, I will definitely be making more conscious decisions about colour choices in my work, and in my contemporary design I may make colours a very important part of the look to share information about my character.

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