Friday 17 October 2014

Cabaret- Film and Screenplay

I have watched the film Cabaret and read the screenplay to deepen my understanding of the storyline and the characters' personalities and motives. As the screenplay I have looked at was the first draft, it is not 100% identical to the film, but similar enough for me to talk about them together.
The main thing I looked at in the screenplay was the first scene where we meet Fraulein Kost as she is the character I have chosen, and this first scene in the film/screenplay is very similar to the scene which I have chosen to look at for my assessment. In this scene (on page 24) Fraulein Kost is described as "not bad looking, a little heavy, badly dressed. She is furious." In the screenplay version of this confrontation between Kost and Schneider, Kost is seen as angry and argumentative whereas in the script she comes across as much more calm and cunning, which I prefer as I feel it gives an edge to her which I could bring out in my images with a smug smirk.
The screenplay is helpful in giving us descriptions of the actions, props and surroundings that perhaps aren't in the script, so this gives me more ideas to draw inspiration from.

Preston Allen, J, 1972. Cabaret Screenplay- First Draft. Available at:

Cabaret, 1972. [DVD] Fosse, B, United States: Allied Artists.

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